This report aims to analyze competitiveness of internet industry in Australia using five forces model. Competition is more intensive between Telstra and Optus which have a remarked position in the market. The existence of several small operators and growing use of ADSL and wireless are good substitutes of cable solutions. Telstra's apparent government protection is yet a barrier for new entrants including Optus. This also imposes reduced bargaining power of retailers and high charges attached to their supply. The industry is relatively new in Australia and is still growing and offering more opportunities in remote regions. A new market structure has been demanded by operators in order to activate competition and reduce monopoly of fixed line services. Australian Government has been positively reacted by launching a new National Broadband Network (NBN) program although it has not yet selected the operators of this NBN.
Gathering information about the ISP industry was progressed through the use of the internet and its purpose was to understand the structure and the prospect of its industry. Numerous information were therefore obtained from company websites, industry and IT news articles, government websites, academic journals, announcements and report from companies, and recent industry reports.
As to effective and efficient ISP industry analysis, it was necessary to get superior and useful information which can be applied to Porter's five forces analysis as the key theory in this report. The information was utilised to determine competitiveness of the ISP industry and to analyse framework of the five forces, including internal rivalry, threat of entry, substitutes, supplier power, and buyer power (Appendix 1).
Several statistic data from Australian government websites was especially used for comparative analysis to research on specific factors such as market share of the ISP industry. Moreover, the information obtained from various sources was used for the market research in order to accomplish an accurate analysis of the ISP industry.
2.1Internal rivalry
The rapid growth in internet demand combined with relatively easy entry in Australian market in last ten years has contributed for a diversified yet heterogeneous supply. The industry is characterized by a proliferation of small business operators though dominated by small number of large firms. From a total number of 770 operators at end of 2007 less than 5% had 10,000 customers and nearly 1.2% could be considered very large with 100,000 clients (TIO statistics cited in Collins, L., Love, P., Landfeldt, B. and Coroneos, P., 2008).
Although several regulatory attempting of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to boost competition, this is still regarded by operators as insufficient as it emphasizes on ULL and DSLAMs facilities rather than on resale. This undermines ISPs providers with large number of resale customers. Competition is described to be more accentuated among few very large operators and particularly between Telstra and Optus. Telstra Bigpond dominated market representing 34% of ADSL and proportionally shared cable market with Optus - 7% in 2007. Other retailers absorbed the remaining 49% of ADSL and 4% cable (Bharat Book Bureau, online assessed). The monopoly of Telstra in network of fixed lines provision is a crucial bottleneck for economic performance of operators (Paul O'Sulivan CEO Optus speech on 21/10/08, Bharat Book Bureau assessed online).
Owing to heavy initial investment and operational costs in this industry, only large players can obtain considerable profit margin. Indeed their large scale enables them to offer services with more standardized quality and at lower prices. Therefore they can attract and retain customers more successfully (Madden, G., Savage, S.J. and Coble-Neal, G., 1999). Conversely, small players with their limited capacity can only operate as redistributors of larger industries offering added value services at higher charges. Transmission and interconnection costs are in general the primary costs for all operators (ABS 1997) and customer's easy migration from dial-up to broadband internet seems to squeeze margins. However customer's loyalty and intensive promotion campaigns can sustain leader's market margins. Telecommunication is described by Budde, P. 2005 as a commodity industry requiring very large scales to operate profitably.
2.2Threat of Entry
The ISP industry in Australia has gradually grown in recent years as home and business access to the internet has been increasing continuously (Appendix 2) and it entails significant economies of sales (DBCDE, 2008) (Appendix 3).
The entrants need to attempt to overcome the cost advantage of incumbents because incumbents derive the cost advantage from economies of scope (Besanko, 2000). Entrants need to achieve a market share to reach minimum efficient scale via establishing their brand loyalty. However, the large ISPs generally have already established a strong reputation and brand awareness with the large number of retailers and it results in that incumbents can have an advantage over the entrants.
No matter what types of the internet, ISPs must use the existing telephone line to provide the internet to customers. However, incumbents such as Telstra control infrastructure of cable, local loop, and telephone line networks in Australia (Howell, 2002). It functions as a barrier to enter into the broadband market because they have to use the existing telephone line to provide the internet to customers (Optus, 2008).
The Australian government has been carrying out a policy as NBN (National Broadband Network) to provide high-speed internet for 98 percent of Australian homes and businesses (DBCDE, 2008). It is therefore regarded as that the government encourages the internet business. However, there has been a protection of incumbents by the government. For instance, Telstra had a monopoly in DSL for several years and it causes Telstra having been affecting anti-competition on the broadband market. Therefore, entrants such as Optus and other competitors had difficulties to enter the market in 2004. They have demanded new structural features to limit the market power of Telstra to activate competitive market (Browne, 2008).
The substitutes for DSL technology in Australia are wireless, cable, satellite and other non dial-up technologies. As at June quarter of 2008, non dial-up technologies (including mainly DSL, wireless, cable and satellite) are so popular that the number of subscribers amounts to 78% of total internet subscribers in Australia (ABS 2008) (Figure, Appendix 3). It is thanks to non-dial up technology that nowadays consumers can access the internet with greater speeds and 'always on' connections and without tying up or paying extra costs for their phone lines. Within the expanding internet market over the reported periods, DSL is the dominant technology with 70% of the market share for non dial-up (ABS 2008) (Figure, Appendix 4). In comparison to wireless and other non dial-up technologies, DSL has the advantages of fastest speeds (especially with the new ADSL2 and ADSL2+), lowest costs and high quality. Moreover, DSL is more attractive to consumers in terms of price in the non dial-up competition. This is simply because there are many small ISPs offering ADSL (and currently increasing on ADSL2, 2+) but less on wireless and just two (Telstra and Optus) offering cable (ABS 2008). However, the six-month period from Dec quarter 2007 to Jun quarter 2008 has seen a significant growth in wireless market share (almost double from 8% to 14%) and as a result, a decrease in DSL share (ABS 2008). The increasing of wireless proportion over the reported period's signals that wireless technology may be a potential substitute for DSL in Australia in the future.
2.4Supplier power
The reasons for a certain supplier to gain the bargaining power include: the main production factors are only supplied by a few manufacturers, and no substitutes to be found; and at the same time, this industry is deficient to upgrade its production capability to produce the product by itself (Porter, 1980). The most important production factor in the ISP industry is Broadband (Appendix 5). Currently, there are two suppliers providing broadband service, namely Fixed Lines and Cable TV network, the latter provides broadband of the cable modem, while the former provides nearly all the broadband of wire connections.
No matter it is Fixed Lines or Cable TV, they both enjoy the trait of scale economy, which is dominated by a few of leading companies or groups, such as Telstra and Optus (Minder, 2006) and( Morris, 2007). With the fast development of Internet, ADSL has emerged as the high-speed Internet service (Finneran. M., 2003). Recent research shows that Telstra Bigpond occupies the market by 34% of ADSL, and Optus takes up 7% in the cable market, while leaving 49% of ADSL and 4% cable in 2007 for other dealers (Bharat Book Bureau, online assessed).
While the ISP industries are failed to upgrade its service and set up Broadband by its own, the Broadband providers are easily to downgrade with the ISP industries. For this reason, Broadband suppliers enjoy the power to bargain with the ISP industries. What is worth noting is the fact that due to the open-up of the network of fixed line service, fixed network providing are developing rapidly, from the very few providers in the past to a number of the current providers, e.g. Optus, Telstra Bigpond, iiNet, Dodo, Vodafone, Virgin etc. Among which, Telstra enjoys the highest profit as a telecommunications company (Asialaw, 2008). This indicates that the bargaining power of the internet service providers will decrease with the liberalization of the telecommunication industry.
2.5Buyer power
With the easy market entry in Internet service providers industry, internet use has been growing at a rapid pace and caused fierce competition. The number of internet subscribers has been increasing constantly as internet is now everywhere in people's daily life (Gary, M. & Grant, C. 2002). Internet Service Providers mainly range between several large operators in Australia, and hence demand and supply of internet are continual experiencing to grow up rapidly. As long as customers have more preferences, buyers have a great power on ISPs' profit. Therefore, customers' retention is playing a vital role in the survival of ISPs. They are forced to increase services, decrease prices, and add more values and accessories to their products to keep consumers' loyalty. Moreover, high-performance services and products are required as well.
Household income has a great impact on the demand of the internet. This justifies the fact that ISPs are currently offering flat-rate pricing to pursue consumers (Biggs, P. & Kelly, T. 2006). Price strategy may be a helpful and successful model for ISPs in the short-term. However for long-term, they are required to fully and in detail understand the demand of various factors in the market and consumers that would help them to attract further market shares (Yogesh, K. al. etc., 2009). Furthermore, an evaluation of consumers' future behavior and an in-depth analysis of current subscribers' choices are required because the internet is a highly competitive market for ISPs (Grigoroudis et. al. 2007).
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 1998 - Telecommunication Services, Catalogue No. 8148, Canberra, AGPS.
accc.gov.au, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
Madden, G., Savage, S.J. and Coble-Neal, G. (1999) - Subscribers churn in Australian Internet Market. Information, Economics and Policy 1999, 11, pp 195-207.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2008 - Internet Activity, Catalogue No. 8153, Australia, June 2008.
, Bharat Book Bureau.
.au, Get connected - industry trends, assessed on 20/03/09
Budde, P. (2005). Australian telecoms moving into 2006
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Porter, M.E. (1980) Techniques for Analy-
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Gary, M. and Grant, C. (2002), Internet Economics and Policy, An Australian Perspective. Economic Record, Vol. 78, pp. 343-357
Biggs, P., and Kelly, T., (2006), Broadband pricing strategies, Info, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp 3-14
Grigoroudis, E., Kyriazopoulos, P., Siskos, Y., Spyridakos, A., and Yannacopoulos, D., (2007), Tracking changes of e-customer preferences using multicriteria analysis, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp 538-562
Appendix 1 - Porter's Five Forces (Investopedia, 2009)
Appendix 2
Use of PCs and the Internet by households (DBCDE, 2008);Use of PCs and the Internet by all businesses ((DBCDE, 2008);Use of broadband technology by home Internet users (DBCDE, 2008);http://archive.dbcde.gov.au/2008/01/statistical_benchmarking/online_statistics
The Australian Internet Market (Market
Clarity, 2007)
Appendix 3
Profile of ISP industry by customer base (DBCDE, 2008)
Appendix 4
Internet Activity Summary, Australia, ISPs with more than 10,000 active subscribers (ABS, 2008)
Internet subscribers by access technology, for ISPs with more than 10,000 active subscribers (ABS, 2008)
Appendix 5
Broadband users as percentage of State population
從2006年到2011年數(shù)據(jù)中發(fā)現(xiàn)區(qū)位商小于2但大于1.5的產(chǎn)業(yè)連續(xù)五年為 皮革、毛皮、羽毛(絨)及其制品業(yè)。而且皮革、毛皮、羽毛(絨)及其制品業(yè)的區(qū)位商是不斷上升的趨勢,其產(chǎn)業(yè)比重趨勢也是也不斷上升,因此如果改變一鋼獨(dú)大的格局,那未來皮革、毛皮、羽毛(絨)及其制品業(yè)將很有希望成長為河北的省的二級主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)業(yè)。
當(dāng)一個(gè)地區(qū)的比較勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率和區(qū)位商均大于1,一般而言是本地區(qū)相對處于產(chǎn)業(yè)頂端的產(chǎn)業(yè),是各種產(chǎn)業(yè)要素從其他地區(qū)向該地區(qū)集聚的結(jié)果,在該時(shí)期處于主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)業(yè)地位,并在地區(qū)的產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭中處于優(yōu)勢地位。而處于產(chǎn)業(yè)梯度中間層的產(chǎn)業(yè)在適當(dāng)?shù)臈l件和發(fā)展趨勢下具有向其他地區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移的可能。通過計(jì)算河北省的絕對優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)為:黑色金屬礦采選業(yè)、黑色金屬冶煉及壓延加工業(yè) 、皮革、毛皮、羽毛(絨)及其制品業(yè)、金屬制品業(yè)、煤炭開采和洗選業(yè)。而處于產(chǎn)業(yè)梯度中間層及(勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率和區(qū)位商其中一個(gè)大于1)的產(chǎn)業(yè)為 :石油加工、煉焦及核燃料加工業(yè)、電力、熱力的生產(chǎn)和供應(yīng)業(yè)、橡膠制品業(yè)、電氣機(jī)械及器材制造業(yè)、農(nóng)副食品加工業(yè)、造紙及紙制品業(yè)、飲料制造業(yè)、廢棄資源和廢舊材料回收加工業(yè)、有色金屬礦采選業(yè)、紡織業(yè)、食品制造業(yè)、塑料制品業(yè)、文教體育用品制造業(yè)木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品業(yè)、紡織服裝、鞋、帽制造業(yè)、家具制造業(yè)、印刷業(yè)和記錄媒介的復(fù)制。
[1]鄭適:《中國產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展監(jiān)測與分析報(bào)告》[J] 中國人民經(jīng)濟(jì)出版社2008